Saturday, January 29, 2022

Vault of the Stag

Scale: 10 ft.
Click HERE for a PDF version of this adventure!

Suitable for 1st to 2nd level characters.

A little keyhole icon means the door is locked.
A little "S" through the door means the door is secret.
The other icon - which is supposed to look like a muscly arm - indicates the door is stuck and must be forced open.

A - Atrium

A1 - Sprite Circle

The northern section of the large space, north of the entry stair, is occupied by 14 Sprite (B43), who are dancing in a circle, creating a ring of stalagmites: with each stalagmite growing almost imperceptibly with each Sprite step which touches it. Between them, the Sprites are carrying 6 gold pieces.

A2 - Fountain of Order

Against the wall of the south space is a semi-circular tiled space, contained by a three-foot stone wall. The bottom is tiled, as though a fountain, and 600 silver pieces lie strewn about within. A character which enters the fountain will feel water - its push, its chill - but will not get wet. That character must - upon leaving the fountain - Save vs Spells. On a failure, the character's alignment is changed one step towards Lawful. Characters already Lawful will feel clean, energized: those characters will not need to eat, nor feel hungry, for 1+1d6 days following the exposure. The silver coins radiate - to magical detection - a slight lawfulness: though it will fade in 1d4 days' time having been removed from the fountain.

W - West Halls

W1 - Statuary

Two statues, both facing north, stand in this room. They depict life-size elk: the antlers of one touch - and seem to pierce - the ceiling.

W2 - The Ballroom's Basement

Thick cob webs line the western portion of this room. In the eastern portion, a mosaic has been placed on the ceiling - a circular piece depicting the perspective of one hidden below a glass floor, looking up at a group of rustic ballroom dancers. 

W3 - The Vault

A fortune in jewelry is locked beneath three thick steel cages in this room.

  • To the south east, a sack with 700 silver pieces, an amulet worth 600 gp, and a pair of earrings (an antique style) worth 800 gp total.
  • To the south west, a matching pair of girdles - laced in platinum - worth 1,200 gp each, coupled with a lone headband festooned with green emeralds and fine chain (worth 1,500 gp).
  • To the north west - a Wand of Negation (X50) sits upright in an ebony stand. Beside it, a ring - simple exterior, bejeweled with a ruby; but encrusted on the interior with cut diamond: making it uncomfortable to don or doff. Its materials are worth 1,600 gp to a jeweler - perhaps more to a collector (or masochist).

Standing guard in the room are 5 Skeleton (B42) who attack on sight.

W4 - Privy

Fist-sized holes are bored into the floor along the east wall. They are deeper than the light can see. In the southern alcove, the floor is slightly sunken, with a drain in the center: again, seeming to fall into nothingness.

W5 - West Fane

Torn curtains - heavy and thick, but damaged as though in a melee - litter this space. There is likewise some broken furniture - but both have been collecting dust and cobwebs for some time.

W6 - The Root

A root-like structure, similar to antlers, hangs from the ceiling, hanging from which can be found seven hempen pouches. In four of the lower-hanging pouches can be found 100 sp each; in the three remaining pouches, hung higher in the structure, can be found 100 gp each: for a total coin count of 700.

For each pouch removed, however, there is a chance the branch will snap; alternatively the branch can be snapped with relative ease by a determined character. If a branch snaps in this manner, a trap is activated: releasing a paralytic, corrosive mist.

All characters in the room must Save vs Paralysis or be paralyzed for 1d3 turns. Every minute that a character is in the room thereafter - while the mist lingers - suffers 1 point of damage per minute: or 10 points of damage per turn. Characters exiting and re-entering the mist must save a second time or be paralyzed: though subsequent saves in this manner may re-roll their first failure.

A character removed from the mist does not immediately recover from the paralysis - but they will stop taking damage. Organic inventory - such as scrolls, leather, and the like - may be required to save or be destroyed if left in the mist. 

W7 - Huntsman's Hall

In the center of the room is a floor tile mosaic depicting a herd of deer. Along the north and south walls are seven pedestals, four to the north - three to the south. On six of the pedestals stand petrified, desiccated bodies - almost skeletal - wearing the garb of rangers, including dusty, decaying weapons characteristic of the woodland. Each of them holds a single gemstone in both hands. The gemstones are worth 60 gp each. On the last pedestal, there is a mess of bones: as though a skeleton had collapsed.

If an Elf or Halfling walks close to one of the corpse-rangers, it will raise its hands, offering the gemstone. When obliged (the gemstone being taken) the corpse will collapse in a heap of bone and man-leather, emanating a quiet but echoing groan while it does so.

W8 - Foyer

One can see into, but not access, E11 from this space through a wall of iron bars. There is a touch-plate near the bars - a character inspecting them or interacting with them may mistakenly step on it - which electrifies them: any character touching the bars at the time of the trigger suffers 1d8 points of damage.

E - East Halls

E1 - South Fane

Hanging above the door is a simple but elegant cobweb-coated chandelier. It is emblazoned with opals, seven of them, worth 10 gold pieces each.

E2 - Fellowship

In the center of this space, a chandelier appears to have separated from the ceiling, falling to the floor. It is damaged and there are sockets where gemstones might fit. There are five opals hidden in the south-west corner of the room, valued at 10 gp each, having been broken loose and rolled (been placed?) into natural rubble.

E3 - The Hunt King's Coffin

This room contains a central coffin - open: doors split side by side, as butterfly style - with a parched corpse inside. On the walls behind - south-east and south-west - there are portraits of a tall, pale figure - hair long and lank, pale likewise - wearing dark armor.

On close inspection, the parched corpse has petrified bones: examination of which, however, may trigger a trap. A character interacting with the corpse must - if the trap triggers - Save vs Paralysis or be caught as the doors of the coffin close, crushing them inside. A character crushed in this manner suffers 3d8 damage.

E4 - Spider Den

Tattered, dusty clothing are scattered on the floor. Four Crab Spiders (B43) have made their lair in the room. Specie totaling 10 sp and 34 cp can be found among the rags.

E5 - Knob Room

A pedestal stands in the room. Atop the pedestal is fixed a disc - three feet across, horizontal: that its plane is parallel to the floor. Atop the disc, a small platform is supported by a metal ring - independent of the disc - that has two solid rectangular protuberances on top - six inches by three - arranged side by side - as the doors to the north wall. On the disc is a black arrow, emblazoned, pointing north, but not directly at either door in the north wall: the disc will rotate, if a character attempts to turn it.

If the arrow on the disc is pointed at either of the two north doors, the handle on the target door will electrify: causing 1d4 points of shock damage to any who touch it, or 2d4 on a failed Save. If the disc is pointed at the south door, it will unlock.

E6 - North Fane

In the central area of this room, two stag-horn light fixtures hang from the ceiling. In the northern-most section, an altar with a statue of a six-legged stag atop it sits in a shallow pool of water. The water is mundane, but behind the statue can be found a loose brick: removing it will reveal a handle which, if turned, will cause the fountain to spin, facing into E7.

Before the stag altar is a band of 7 Acolytes (B30). The band is accompanied by a single Adept (Cleric, lvl 2) who has the Light spell memorized. The Adept has in his possession a Fire Opal (100 gp value) which he is convinced has some significance in the dungeon. It will not influence the stag altar, on which he is focused when encountered. 

E7 - Ringed Corridor

Ringing the south and west walls is a small rivulet, hewn into the floor, with a small grate along its center. Along the east wall is an inversion as such: a protuberance of equivalent height to the gutter's depth, rising from the floor. If a character steps on, places an item on, or otherwise applies sufficient pressure to this protuberance, it will sink down, releasing a swarm of flying hornets (B37). 

E8 - Priest's Passes

From within these two halls, the doors to E9 are obvious and simple to open. Along the walls to both are relief carvings of faces: worn with time. In E8i, two Fire Beetle (B31) are mulling about; in E8ii, four additional Fire Beetles (B31).

E9 - The Thunderhead Orb

A concentric octagon rises slightly in the center of this room - offset such that its points line the center of the edges of the room's walls. In the center of the room is an orb - held aloft by a glass pillar. The ceiling is domed and painted to resemble clouds. If characters step onto the central dais, the clouds seem to dim, as though a storm is coming.

The orb is worth 1,000 gold pieces and can be used as a crystal ball: however attempting to remove it from its pillar will activate a protective enchantment - striking the would-be thief with a bolt of electricity emanating from a random point in the ceiling. If this happens, the character touching the orb and 1d3-1 additional party members (hapless victims of chance, standing in the wrong place when the arc comes down) take 3d6 damage; a successful Save reducing the roll from 3d6 to 1d6.

E10 - Parishioners' Passes

A whistling can be heard in this space emanating from the direction of E9. If the door to E9 is unlocked, the whistling stops.

E11 - Skeletal Watchers

From this space, one can see into - but not access - W8 through a wall of iron bars. In the corner to the south-east, a handful of skeletons lie chained with manacles affixed to the wall at around waist height on a man. The skeletons will not be caught moving - however their skulls will, whenever gazed upon, be facing the gazer. Additionally, if a character is close to the secret door to W7, they will rattle gently - only once - in anticipation to see whether the party will find it or not.

The skeletons are harmless and cannot cause harm (nor help) to the party.

Saturday, January 8, 2022

Warlock Tower: The PDF!

Been having a bit of a rough go these last two weeks - no time for the blog - but not wanting to miss a week, I figure I'll post some content I just happen to have lying around: the PDF version of Warlock Tower, my submission to the original Prince of Nothing No-Artpunk Contest.

Warlock Tower, reviewed here, did not win, but did get an honorable mention here; so - for the No-Artpunk Companion there hinted, I did submit a revised manuscript - fixing some typos and adding some helpful bits that - when I was running the module, myself, in playtest - that I wished I had on hand rather than having to thumb through the book to find. Provided below is that file!

Deserted Tower; Decker - Old Book
Warlock Tower

There... isn't a lot of art in here, CWR. True. The provided PDF is an exercise in brevity - I was trying to stay under the 20 page limit: that, plus the deadline, kind of forced my hand on the public domain art front. I may try to go back and find some to spice it up - but no promises. It's been hard enough to get this post out today - will try to have a podcast episode with a sort of "State of the Union" later on this month.

Are you going to finish your play through on the YouTube channel? I want to, but I don't know when I'm going to get to. Because of health-reasons, I'm losing a lot of time and having to cut back on my already anemic gaming schedule. Players from that game are welcome to look - or not look - in hopes that we find a time to play: and perhaps another platform to play on, as Astral is, it seems, going away.

Should I still buy the No Artpunk Vol. 1 adventure collection, even though the obvious best author - you - aren't in it? Absolutely. I have not had a chance to read through it myself, but I can vouch that - knowing it's PWYW, you have nothing to lose: and knowing what you pay benefits the Autism Research Institute, if you choose to pay, you're paying into a good cause.

Delve on, readers!

Saturday, January 1, 2022

Enter the Scorpion

Scorpion; Samuel Howitt

They say, deep in the wastes - among the rocks and sand, where no man may dwell - in the places where water is in scarcity and the sun, abundance: there can be found the hardiest of the half-races. In those places, the Girtablilu have made their lairs.

They say - far from the places where men dwell, where the wells flow over terraces and where the barley grows - at the ends of roads mortal feet wear out before reaching: there, the gods set their homes, made their palaces, kept their keeps: and along the way, set these Aqrabuamelu to hinder the way.

They say, in these places of dying, in the corners of the wilds, where the sons of angels once walked, but whose sandals have turned to dust - the generations and generations of their abandoned guardians, their orphan soldiers, hatched from hidden clutches buried beneath the rock and clay, swarm in their thousands.

Or, so they say.

Waykeepers of the First Gods

Scorpion Men are - as their name indicates - a fusion of man and giant scorpion. They have the upper body of a man mounted atop the body and tail of a desert scorpion. They speak a language derivative of the Wild, despite the origin of their species being steeped in Chaotic sorcery. 

Page 8, Persian Demons from a Book of Magic and Astrology

Encountering Scorpion Men

Scorpion Warrior
Armor Class: 6
No. Appearing: 2-20
Hit Dice: 3+3
Save As: Fighter 3
Move: 150' (50') Morale: 8
Attacks: 1 Weapon
and 1 Stinger
Treasure Type: A
Damage: As Weapon +1
1 + Poison
Alignment: Neutral
Frequency: Uncommon
Chance In Lair: 5%

When In Lair When encountered in lair, the No. Encountered represent warrior males; a second roll should be made for females – which are likewise capable, but not necessarily armed, in that they may not be expecting combat. There is a 2-in-6 chance they will be guarding eggs: in which case their Morale increases to 11.

Poison Stinger A character which is injured by the Stinger attack of any Scorpion Man must Save vs Death or perish. The effect takes between 1 and 4 turns; but if a second dose is administered (that is, a second sting occurs and a second save is failed, the time remaining is reduced to 1 to 4 rounds.

On the Organization and Tack of Scorpion Men 

  • 3-in-6 Scorpion Men - warriors, the rank-and-file - carry a morning star, shield, and crossbow. Zodiac Signs Symbol Transparent Background Scorpion; Pixabay user Agzam With shield equipped, their AC improves to 5.
  • 2-in-6 Scorpion Men -  lancers, the cavalry among the chimeric - carry composite longbows and spears, with which they are wont to charge: benefiting as using a lance.
  • 1-in-6 Scorpion Men - mutants, regressions - are hatched with the claws of a scorpion rather than the hands of a man: often with projecting antenna and occasionally mandibles in addition to their jaws. These creatures are sentient, albeit not as clever as their kindred - their intelligence corrupted by their instincts - but they benefit from two natural pincer attacks which do 1d6+1 damage each, which they use in lieu of a weapon and in addition to their normal Stinger attack.

Split Fire All Scorpion Men may - if equipped with ranged weapons - split fire: that is, move a portion of their movement, fire a ranged weapon, and then move the remainder of their movement afterwards, but still within the Missile phase.

Spoiler Alert!
The Deeper Lore section contains some notes to help a GM (me) to run the Scorpion Men in a way consistent with the archetype they are supposed to fill and some of the inspirations behind their creation. If you play in (or want to play in!) a game GM'ed by me, beyond this point will ruin some of the mystery for you for both Scorpion Men and for most of the sentient races: having some impact in the game world that isn't immediately available outside of player character discoveries.

Deeper Lore

The Scorpion Men are free peoples, with tribal affiliations determining the nature of their governance. However, they have a kinship with one another - a bond brought on by their shared origin. Scorpion Men are not a Vice Race: they bear no seed of Chaos - but they were mutated, chimerized by the ancient gods of Chaos to wage war on other celestial beings - the lords of Law and the natural world, alike.

In the ages that followed, they have been employed by various powers as guardians - some say that they guard the gates that hold the sun in the evening - in part due to their territorial nature and in part due to their rugged survivability. They are fiercely loyal to their own - but they are not intractable: with a good reaction and proper communication, they are apt to make powerful allies to any who have curried their favor. They are territorial with one another - although it is rare to find unrelated tribes in proximity to one another: and often, the borders are drawn and observed amicably.

Page 4, Persian Demons from a Book of Magic and Astrology

They have some suspicion of the gods and of Clerics. In the modern age, as mentioned, they are free - but the elders tell tales to the hatchlings of days wherein the gods enslaved them, ensorcelled them, sent them to battle for purposes alien to the Scorpion folk. The truth of it - many serve these powers unintentionally due to their penchant to protect their territory: having been placed there to block the movement of other races into a place beyond of which the Scorpion Men have no knowledge - others reside in forgotten places: the purpose of their seeded colony having been lost as the cosmic struggle moved on.

Public domain and open license artwork retrieved from, from Pixabay, and from The Public Domain Review and adapted for thematic use. Attribution in alt text.