Sunday, March 3, 2024

Old Maps: Ehrn

In January, I found and posted some old, analog maps from a campaign I ran many, many years ago. A handful of folks expressed interest in seeing the notes - so I figured I'd type them up for you. The article here to follow is a set of things I for which I have concrete memory about the game meshed with what's written down on the discovered notes. A proper scan, itself, you can find here - as well - for anyone interested.

Ehrn - Dominion of Horse and Stone

Its population, concentrated along a rich central plane - mountains to the north and allies in trade to the west, the relative scarcity of wood long encouraged a pastoral culture. With the coming of the lizard warlocks to the south in the marshes, new enemies necessitate prudence, new bonds by necessity forged with the Dwarves of the mountains and relationships deepened with the wealthy Amanians to the east. Architecture is driven by necessity: turf roofing with brick or masonry supporting the walls. Many long houses are stables with a family or clan living in the upper chamber alongside the hayloft. Children are trained from a young age to ride and to shoot, but foremost: an allegiance is impressed upon them to kith and kin.

  • To the north - the mountain Dwarves; to the south - the lizard warlocks (and residual Elves) of Marsh Haven.
  • To the west and south, Azrah: a desert nation of traders - from whom wonders from far off lands are drawn.
  • To the west and north, Hurshan: a fellow equestrian people, but one less settled - with hawk-like features, few permanent structures, and indiscernible demeanor.
  • To the east, Amana: the center of civilization... according to the Amanians.

Mount Olympus; Thomas Allom

Cities and Towns

  • Lordholme (33,056)
  • Northway (26,445)
  • Riverbend (18,512)
  • Easthelm (15,736)
  • Oln (11,802)
  • Ghard (8,262)
  • Benthel (5,784)
  • Hune (4,628)
  • Varhorn (3,009)
  • Gelphenhaus (2,558)
  • Thorn (1,919)
  • Vane (1,248)

Points of Defense or Interest

  • Net Area: 89,797 square miles
  • Population: 6,465,384
  • Standing Guard: 21,552
  • Callable Population: 1,293,077
  • 130 castles and fortifications
    • 97 interior or manor
    • 33 border guard

Ruins, Dungeons, and Points of Adventurea

  • Break Island Two large rivers come together at this junction: and at the conjoining, a silt island has formed, on which a pack of beast men have built a stronghold.
  • Aquifer Cavern A large underground complex: completely filled with water in most places. Bandits conspire with mer-folk, to use it to hide their treasures.
  • Gray Orc City A tribe of desert orcs has isolated themselves here after being pushed back by Ehrnish expansion. Now, they raid the lands they once called home for sustenance.
  • The Henge This ruined complex is thought to be of human origin, but it's architecture is not known to any who have seen it. Magic in this place is amplified.
  • Swear To Me; Arthur Rackham Einherjar Rubbish Heap Some of the fortresses of the Einherjar landed intact, disgorging the betrayer warriors unto the plain. This one did not. Large chunks of a celestial city are strewn about this site: each a labyrinth in its own right
  • Look Out Rock A ruined, limestone fortress peeking above the spring and source of the long river. now watched by one of the border fortresses, the rock, and the semi natural caverns beneath it, draw adventure from across the plane.
  • North Tribe Another group of gray orcs live here. They are bitter enemies of the first, but still despise the Ehrnish.
  • Hanging Rocks This cave formation impossibly leans over a ledge into a shallow gorge. It appears to have been hollowed out by a forgotten people – but it's purpose and that people are long gone
  • Goblin Camp A tribe of goblins man a wooden fortress built atop a stone complex of Dwarfish origin. The goblins have made it their own
  • The Windy Crag This half cave / half valley houses carnivorous dire bats. It is said that the wind proceeding, singing from the crag is unnatural - the result of the beat of many thousands of wings.
  • Insane Dwarves A citadel of Dwarves driven mad - incoherent, violent cannibals. Those which have been extracted from the citadel are oddly marred - organs out of place, features mutated - though the source of this contagion is unknown: presumably buried deep, deep in the ground.
  • Sundered Mountain A mountain cleft in twain – with an abandoned Ddwarf citadel half-revealed by the break. Unnatural dangers lurk close to the surface, their home - normally deep underground - rudely exposed to the bright of the outside.
  • Deep Drink Well A natural cistern so deep that, despite the crystal clear water, one cannot see the bottom. Stories say it connects to a deep crag in Amana - providing a conduit of hazards and wild things into its depths - but whenever one looks into it, one only sees the clear, cool water.

Campaign on, readers!

Public domain artwork retrieved from and adapted for thematic use. Attribution in alt text.