Scale: 10ft
North is pointing to the upper-left corner; non-cardinal directions used below.
Main Compound
First Level
The Atrium is an over-designed space 50 feet wide by 30 feet deep. A mosaic covers the floor with the image of a black live oak. Two stairwells lead up to M14; to either side of each stairwell is a large plant in a brass brazier. Characters entering through the Atrium will often meet Ianthe, a young female Elf with a cool-colored tattoo of a bird rounding one eye on the outside of her face and sub-dermal implants used to form a ridge running from her décolleté parallel to her collarbones to the shoulder - who has been charged with the role of Emissary to new visitors. This commonly amounts to simple paperwork and inn-keeping duty - but she is serious about it.
Exits are a double door at the bottom, opening onto a path to a small dockside.
M2 - Bar
This 40x40 tavern space houses booths along the bottom and left walls, round-tops in the center, and a bar running the length of the right wall. It is frequently open into the night, as it is a favorite place for sailors and explorers to drop coin, but periodically sees seekers of grits and coffee in the morning.
Flatware is rudimentary; cups and mugs are made of tin. The bar's stock typically consists of two barrels of ale - replacing any that run out during off hours - and under the bar can be found a dozen or so (1d12+12, on a given day) bottles in varying degrees of fullness of brandies and rums: value 2d6 silver pieces each.
The bar is tended by a female Halfling, Aglea, and her son, Paios. Aglea has an air about her - literally: she has a floral scent to her, always - which tends to put people at ease. Two other Humans help to maintain the bar - Gisela, a barmaid and a Warrior, who gets a fair (or unfair) amount of attention for her excessive curvature, but who is a former party member to Savaric and who is actively trying to get him back into an adventuring lifestyle; and Heminn, a hairless (read, bald) Robber posing as a bar "maid" who is aware of and hunting Millicent on commission - but does not know which other NPC is her target.
M3 - Staff Conveyance
Hallway, 10 feet wide, with a stairwell on the right wall leading to M15. Doors to rooms M4, M7, M2, and M6.
Crammed into corners and along the walls are barrels - some full, others used as storage trays - for the bar in M2. During the evening, these will usually be interchanges between the kitchen and the Cellar in M7; during the day, it will typically be a mess - slowly being cleaned until evening.
M4 - Gisela and Heminn's Bunk
This shared space has bunk beds and a small stone fire burner. Heminn stores, in a cheap chest of drawers, spare clothing and - 50% chance - a pouch containing a writ in cypher defining her mission; Gisela, who is working for the free lodging and beer more than the money, has a locked chest containing her cut of the last few adventures she had been on - a bag of gems work 1,500 gold pieces and an enchanted idol in the shape of an owl that, if carried, will bestow a +1 bonus against being surprised - and a suit of chain mail. Her sword and shield are mounted on the bottom wall. She tends to carry a dagger with her, but if she isn't, it will be lashed to the sword.
M5 - Paios' Bunk
This room contains bunk beds, one of which has had the bunk removed. Paios spends little time here and leaves nothing of value there, sans a suit of stylish clothing that he could wear to a nice event.
M6 - Empty Bunk
This room contains two bunk beds and a small, enclosed stone hearth, similar to other bunk areas, but it is vacant. This space is occasionally used to temporarily enclose particularly drunk patrons - but Ianthe is trying to keep it vacant such that additional help can be acquired for the maintenance of the grounds.
M7 - Cellar
Cooler than other spaces in the building - and darker - the cellar is 10 feet wide, 20 feet deep, and typically houses four barrels of ale. There are also spare liquor bottles - matching the collection in M2 - along a cabinet on the top wall: inventory between 8 and 12 unopened bottles destined to replace those used for patrons, valued at 3d6 silver each.
M8 - Treasury
The heavy door to this windowless room is locked. In it is kept the stow to keep the compound running. There are three chests, between which can be found 900 gold pieces, 3,600 silver pieces, and 1,200 copper. Safety deposit boxes also line the left wall - abound a cubic foot each - but no one is using them. Keys to the room and the deposit boxes are kept by Ianthe.
M9 - Ianthe's Bunk
This 20x10 space contains a small stone hearth and a shelf along one wall, hanging clothing underneath. In lieu of a bed, there is a round-based chair with no back. In the base of the chair is a hidden compartment containing a ring worth 10gp, a necklace worth 30 gp, and 200 silver pieces.
M10 - Study
This 10x20 space, originally a bedroom for the offspring of the previous Emissary, has been converted into a study. A desk can be found here, along with a bookcase containing several dozen volumes of differing challenge to locate in a book market. The chair to the desk has no back.
M11 - Den
Originally appearing to house a storage closet, this 20x20 space has been modified to form a den. In it can be found several hanging plants along the top wall and thick carpets on the floor.
M12 - Record Room
This 10x20 space contains a desk and two cabinets, filled with records for the goings-on of the compound. There is a potted plant by a window.
M13 - Barracks
The barracks houses security for the lighthouse compound: both from visitors and from the wilds. There are eight Veterans that reside here - along with their gear - plus one captain, a Dwarf Veteran named Chedomir. Among Chedomir's possessions include a hand axe, a shield, chain mail, 3d8 gold pieces, a set of Tarot cards, and a set of bones with runes carved in them that he claims allow him to divine truths or futures.
Second Level

Two staircases lead down to M1 from this 10 foot wide hallway. The central space is open to M1, allowing unobstructed viewing. On the right wall hang four tall tapestries - 50 gp each - which depict flora and fauna of the Indigo River ecosystem. To the left, the entrance to inn style rooms - commonly rented by merchants or shippers inbound to Black Hammock, but more frequently by sailors who enjoyed the tavern too much.
M15 - Aglea's Quarters
This private, L-shaped space is the quartering of Aglea the tavern keeper. Paios once resided with her, but having grown, stays there infrequently these days. Inside are two bunks - one more used, one typically covered in laundry. Under the latter is a strongbox full of old letters, a flask of high quality malt liquor (15 gp). Along the left wall are shelves at approximately shoulder height for a Halfling - containing odds and ends, the only interesting piece among which is a jar containing 45 silver and 26 copper pieces. Clothing is hung along a rack underneath the shelves.
Inn Random Occupancy Table
D6 | Occupant |
1-2 | Vacant |
3-4 | Sailor (or pirate) 50% chance of hang-over |
5 | Traveling merchant or merchant aide |
6 | Adventurer or adventuring party 50% chance of multiple occupancy to cut costs |
I - Inn
To house dignitaries, sailors, and merchants not yet permitted into the city, the inn is managed by Ianthe. Each room marked I is furnished much the same; a bunk large enough for two; or three, if arranged lengthwise - allowing feet to dangle off the edge - as well as a small stone coal burner. The inn rooms will be occupied as follows:
- I1 is empty.
- I3, I4, I6, and I9 roll for random occupancy on each visit.
- I7, I8, and I11 likewise roll for random occupancy, but due to their proximity to Alard in room I10, don't stay that way - incurring a -1 modifier to the roll.
- I2 is occupied by a representative of the shipper - a male Halfling Warrior, Otus, who appears to weigh more than he once did and who suffers from notable dandruff - who financed the Fette Tante, seeking information on what happened to the vessel. He carries a short sword and dresses in fine clothing - including 15 gp in gaudy bedizenment - but has leather armor if he needs to travel and a 200 gp stipend for his mission.
- I5 is occupied by Savaric (detailed as part of the Kitchen entry, below). He had been renting it while still with his party, adventuring into the Bullywug Wild, but now is still living there despite somewhat depleted finances. In it can be found his spellbook (scribed with seven randomly generated spells, trapped that one who reads it without first placing a key he keeps around his neck into the spine will be exposed to a magical poison cloud), 16 silver pieces, a fine set of pens and inks (200 gp value), and a pouch of baubles for which only he knows the origin or use.
- I10 is occupied by a mute swamper - a middle-aged Human, Alard, who makes his living hunting and skinning alligators. In the room he occupies can be found an array of scale-working tools; he puts others around him ill-at-ease and tends to do his skinning in the room he occupies. No one can vouch for why Ianthe has not done something about him.
The keepers of the lighthouse are a retired Human adventuring couple - wife Milla, a Veteran, and husband Vanquelin, an Apprentice, who is notably (but not excessively) older than Milla - having met with the intent to seek fame, fortune, and status in the dark places of the world, they shortly turned to more traditional means as Milla fell pregnant with their first child, Carlomon. They have since had a second, Elias; who has a scar on his left arm from having fallen into a nest of bayonet plants while climbing in a grove of oaks to the north-west.First Level

A single staircase leads up to L6; approximately 5 feet wide and rising at a 45 degree angle from the floor. The remainder of the room contains supplies to power and maintain the lighthouse. Inventory includes:
- 2 weeks' worth of firewood (lamp fuel)
- Dried foodstuffs sufficient to feed a family of four for 1 month
- 4 barrels strong ale
L2 - Keeper's Foyer
Space is 15 feet wide by 10 feet deep - with a hall leading to the right. The space feels cozy, despite how busy it is - as what was designed to be a thoroughfare has been adapted into a family space. A fireplace is found on the top wall, the remaining space houses two comfortable looking chairs. A mechanical clock hangs by the door on the left wall.
There are many exits: one to the left, leading to L1; one on the bottom wall, leading to the courtyard outside; one at the end of the hall leading to L5, and two in the upper-right corner: the former leading to L4 and the latter to L3.
L3 - Keeper's Quarters
This room is 15x15 feet and contains sleeping accommodations for the Keepers' family. Two armoires house clothing of utilitarian nature. On the wall hangs a two-handed hammer: an heirloom to Milla's family. Unbeknownst to her, it is magical, +1, +2 vs spell-users.
One door on the lower-left leads to L2.
L4 - Keeper's Study
This 15x10 foot space contains a cabinet of records and a desk. The desk contains lined papers and writing utensils; most notes are mundane about the operation of the lighthouse. In a locked drawer in the desk can be found a necklace worth 60 gp alongside 120 gp and 46 sp in specie.
One door on the lower-right leads to L2.
L5 - Closet
Contains a rain cloak, a winter blanket, and tall, waterproof boots.
Second Level

On the right, a stairwell leads down to L1 at approximately a 45 degree angle from a platform. On the left, a stairwell leads up, 45 degrees again, to a second platform. From the second platform, a third stair - again, 45 degrees - leads up to L7, narrowing to just over 2 feet wide halfway up.
Both platforms have windows overlooking the surrounding landscape from an approximate 15 foot elevation. Light-blue areas are open - allowing a character to look down into L1.
Third Level

Housing the grand brass reflection mirror and wood-and-peat fire light, the Overlook - during the evening - illuminates the coastline; during the day, it provides excellent visibility into the surrounding countryside.
Its balcony being 30 feet above the ground, a character there perched can see 7 miles on a clear day in any direction.
The below is included, copy/paste, from March 8th's post, 07.07 - The Indigo River Lighthouse: Progress Point, as a convenience for reference.B - Blacksmith
A permanent resident of the Indigo River Lighthouse compound, the blacksmith maintains the metal equipment required to keep the compound functioning as well as the arms and armor of the men at arms charged with its security.- The blacksmith is a male Halfling Swordmaster, Nicephor; he is lame in one ankle, which he earned in an ambush while traveling with an adventuring company years prior. His original intent was to return home - but he's since grown comfortable.
- The blacksmith's apprentice is a female normal Human, Bertrude. She is young - younger than is typical for lone travelers - and frequently dirty. She romanticizes the concept of adventure, which is what drove her to the Indigo River, but has become grateful - based on company - that she is at least making an honest living.
Bertrude has a lock-box hidden in her bunk, near the rear of the space. In it is 40 silver pieces and a necklace of semi-precious stones worth 8 gold.
Nicephor carries with him typically 20-40 gold pieces - depending on business. In the evenings, he prefers to spend time at the bar in the Main Compound.
C - Courtyard
Light scrub-grass valiantly attempts to blanket this well-trodden, oft-grazed area. Near the Kitchen (K) is a chicken coop; on each side, enclosing the space from the exterior, is a post-and-wicker fence (dotted lines): constructed of posts every few yards and limbs of one to two inch diameter woven around them and nailed in place. The fence is four and a half feet in height. Near the exit by the Main Compound is an uncovered wagon - it appears to see limited use.There are two exits through the fence. Beyond the gate between the Lighthouse and the Kitchen, there is a well-worn path heading towards a grove of live oaks in the distance.
G - Goat Pen
This enclosed space sits along a path leading towards a grove of live oaks in the distance. In it, there are a dozen or so goats of varying sizes. There are some construction materials - as though someone had started work on a tower for the enclosure - however there has not been much progress.H - Hog Pen
Area in white is covered, but open to the courtyard. Area in blue is open to the elements. Inside is mud, a trough, a raised area in back with hay, and a dozen or so hogs of various sizes.K - Kitchen
This outbuilding, kept away from other buildings due to the incessant heat, is used by culinary staff. In it is a sizeable collection of cooking tools - enough to feed the full contingent of residents. Inside, it feels cramped, as there are more utensils and pans than there are places to store them in addition to a sizeable washtub.- The head chef is a male Human, Gill, who seems always distracted, but is likewise always busy. He has two errand runners / assistants:
- Millicent, a female Footpad who is secretly working as an agent of an old-world power seeking to ensure any industry on the Indigo River supports their own agenda as conflict looms.
- Savaric, a male Seer who had been adventuring with a group set on making a fortune in the live-oak woods to the west; but in the interim had fallen enamored of Millicent. His party has since gone west without him and he, having worked through his adventuring money, is working for his keep.
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