Sunday, May 17, 2020

Tomb of Tunnels - Small Dungeon Map with Key

Scale: 10 ft.
Click here for a PDF version of this adventure!
Small dungeon, keyed using B/X tables - level 1 for squared off spaces, level 3 for the irregular cave spaces. The dice were atypically ungenerous for treasure - so I may have added in some extra loot to make it at least a consolation prize for the time taken to explore the space.

A - Foyer

Nine sprites (B43) dance about in this chamber of worked stone. Between them, they carry 38 gold pieces. To the north, a concave space terminates in a five foot wide iron fence with a locked door in the center. In the north-east corner, the floor appears to have fallen out from under the wall, leading into a tunnel. To the south, stairs leading up.

The door is trapped. If the players manage to open the door, the corridor leading to B slowly fills with an odorless gas. Any characters moving north are affected on 2-in-6, saving versus paralysis or falling limp, unable to move for 1d4 hours.

B - Statuary

This room, 20 feet east to west by 30 feet north to south, has four statues - two on the east and west walls, respectively, on the northern and southern sides. The visible entrance is to the south, where a five foot wide, 8 foot long corridor connects to A via the gate.

Each statue is heavy, but will rotate if forced by a strong character or several characters working together. A statue rotated to face away from the center of the room will reveal an entrance beneath its base into a secret tunnel in each direction. Statues can be forced around from beneath, as well - but it is more difficult due to the angle and cramped confines of the tunnel.

C - Fish Folk Shrine

A tunnel leads west from B; approximately 15 feet in, there is a small rivulet of water, slowly creeping north. It runs south approximately ten feet before it becomes too small for an adventurer to fit; it runs north to the whirlpool in B.

The main space, about 7 feet from the far side of the rivulet, is potato-shaped: its main space being a 20 foot by 20 foot space with two protrusions - one on the north-west corner lumping a ten foot radius circular area and one on the western half of the south wall, a approximately five feet deep nook. One egress leads back east.

The main space is dominated by a platform with two columns of sculpted marble fish-folk. In the center is a dais of green liquid - its texture thick and slimy, its odor somewhat akin to rosemary. The liquid, if applied to the neck where the gills are on the fish-folk statues, will bestow the ability to breathe water on the drinker for 1d4 turns - however, the drinker must also save versus spells or be unable to breathe air (i.e., outside of water) for the duration. The liquid, if drunk, tastes fine - but the texture is revolting: characters drinking it will receive the benefit as though it had been applied to the neck, but must save versus poison or be sickened for 1d4 turns. The magic is persistent; thus, if the characters can carry out flasks of it in glass or other alchemically safe material, they can harvest up to 2d6 does of the stuff.

The northern protrusion contains burial niches in the wall with oddly inhuman skeletons therein.

D - Gelatinous Tomb

About 8 feet into the tunnel, a space of approximately 10 feet diameter opens to the south. In it, the floor drops out into a pool that slowly spirals. North and south egresses are under water, but visible. The south stream leads to C; the north stream leads to H.

At the end of the tunnel, oval-oid space - approximately 20 feet north-east to south-west by 10 feet north-west to south-east - has burial niches carved into the walls. Inside are dissolved, old corpses; a couple have metal items on them, but nothing of particular value. A gelatinous cube (B35) is stuck in this space and, depending on its positioning at their entrance, they may walk directly into it. The only ingress/egress is east.

E - Mausoleum

A winding tunnel runs west from B; approximately 35 feet in, there is a pool of water, ankle deep. At the end of the tunnel is a chamber of carved stone.

The north wall of this chamber is 10 feet wide. Running south, the width expands symmetrically over 20 feet to 20 feet wide, then contracts back to 10 feet wide over 5 more feet south - making the net north-south length of the room 25 feet. Along the walls are empty sconces; on the south wall is a large sarcophagus. Inside is a corpse with a rusty sword. Under the body, the slab it is on is faux: covering a tunnel leading to F.

F - Spider Cavern

This cavern space is shaped like a rough parallelogram, its north face offset to the west. The space is 20 feet north to south and averages 25 feet east to west. It is laced with sticky spider webs. Inside hide 2 Tarantella Spiders (B43). In the webs can be found the corpses of a couple ill-fated adventurers: between them, they carry 13 gold pieces and a pouch with four deep-red, smooth-cut gemstones: valued 100 gp each.

Exits are west, a tunnel leading to A; north-west, a tunnel leading to B or G; and north-east, leading to E. In order to the sarcophagus in E.

G - Crawler Nook

This stunted nook contains a Carrion Crawler(B32) feeding on what appears to be the corpse of a Dwarf, partially concealed by stalagnates.

H - Resting Chamber of the Map Bearer

A cold, almost imperceptibly slow-flowing stream bifurcates this space east to west. On the south side, an open stone platform, 10 feet north to south by 30 feet wide (east to west).

On the west side of the platform, two chests sit locked. Inside are 500 silver pieces each. On the east side of the platform, four barrels are crammed into the corner. Inside is slime and cobwebs. In the center of the platform, a throne sits with the skeleton of a bugbear in armor. In the bugbear skeleton's hands is a map case containing a map keyed in Goblin which leads to the supposed location of an enchanted Mace (+1). However, the skeletons arms are on trigger plates - if the scroll is removed, the arm bones will fall, causing the plates to rise - if this occurs, spears jab out of the ceiling, rolling to hit any character in the center 10x10 section of the platform: THAC0 15, 2d4 damage.

North of the platform is an irregular space, roughly oval-oid - 15 feet north to south by 35 feet east to west. The stream takes up approximately 10 feet of the north-south breadth, exiting underwater both east and west. The west channel leads to D or C; the east, the channel peters out into several tunnels too small for a character to traverse.

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