Sunday, August 2, 2020

10 NPC Parties

Your player characters are hardly the only adventurers out there - as such, on occasion, they'll run into another party delving the deeps or roving the wilds: here are 10 such parties - ready made and easy to slap into a random encounter or wandering monster table. Enjoy!

1Anselm's Academy
2Caver's Company
3Deep Door Expedition
4Rich Revival
5Ruoth's Raiders
6The Devourers
7The Gallantry
8The Walt Host
9Vanquelin's Vanguishers
10Veche's Vengeance

Anselm's Academy

The Necklace of Princess Fiorimonde; Walter Crane
  1. Anselm, Magic User (5), leads a troupe of adventurers - himself seeking lost knowledge, but they promised the peripheral treasure. Is carrying a Potion of Healing. His spellbook contains Magic Missile, Ventriloquism, Continual Light, Mirror Image, and Hold Person.
  2. Liutgarde, a servant of the Law and a Halfing (4), fights with a sword, shield, and chain armor. She is also carrying a Potion of Healing.
  3. Rawkin Six-Fingers, Lawful Cleric (3), has six fingers on his left hand. Fights with a two-handed hammer and plate armor. Wears a Ring of Delusion, which he thinks protects him from the corruptions of Chaos - a gift from Elewys. He tends to prepare Protection from Evil and Purify Food and Water.
  4. Mael, an Elf (3) of ruddy complexion and athletic build. Prefers to fight with a sword. His spellbook contains Light, Read Magic, and Invisibility.
  5. Tancred, a left-handed Fighter (3) sworn to Chaos. Wears chain and fights with a shield and longsword. Resents that Rawkin regularly lectures him on the mistake of his affiliation.
  6. Odo, a Thief (3) who doesn't care much for the cosmic struggle. Walks with a limp and carries a rapier; doesn't like to talk about either.
  7. Elewys, an alluring Magic User (2), she is clean in her habits and routinely uses perfumes. Her spellbook contains Floating Disc and Magic Missile.

Cavers' Company

  1. Svetopolk the Stout, a stocky Dwarf (6), fights with a magic axe (+1), plate armor, and a magic shield (+2). Carries three throwing axes. Left his home with a levy, honor-bound to assist a Human lord nearby with a goblin problem, but took to the dungeon naturally and has since made it a career to probe the deeps.
  2. Ernald, Fighter (4), fights with sword, shield, and plate armor - which he keeps polished meticulously. Is carrying a Potion of Heroism.
  3. Guntram, Fighter (4) sworn to Chaos, prefers to use his longbow, but carries a short-sword also. Fights in chainmail.
  4. Terric the Hairless, Fighter (4), servant of Chaos and totally bald - eyebrows included. Wears a Ring of Protection (+1) on his left hand and a Ring of Control Plants on his right. Fights in plate with a hammer and shield - shield decorated with a depiction of tangled vines.
  5. Ranulf, Chaotic Fighter (4), brother to Guntram, fights with plate armor and a two-handed sword. He wears a Ring of Protection (+1 in a 5 foot radius) and his sword, Wightstrike, is magic: +1 to hit and damage, drains 1d4 experience levels: Save vs Spells to resist.
  6. Gill, a Thief (4) with boundless energy - always fiddling, always moving - wears a suit of magical leather (+2) and carries two curved blades.
  7. Grimald, Chaotic Fighter (3): armed with a pair of hammers; wears plate armor and is always chewing something.
  8. A Long Fusiform Object Floated on the Surface of the Water; Jules Ferat
    Rosamund, Fighter (3), wears a chain that runs between her nose and ear. Wears plate armor, fights with a one-handed bearded axe and shield. Carries a bow as well.
  9. Alard, servant of Chaos and Magic User (3). Stands with a slight, but noticeable, hunch - potentially scoliosis. It doesn't seem to bother him. His spellbook contains Shield, Protection from Evil, and Detect Invisible.

Deep Door Expedition

  1. Simova, a Dwarf (7) of thin build, fights with a warhammer and shield, wearing plate. She carries with her a Wand of Metal Detection - it is her goal to find the entrance to a rumored forgotten hall, its underground entrance buried beneath a collapse.
  2. Dennet, Cleric (7), wields a magic warhammer (+1) with plate and shield. Speaks very quickly and is often asked to repeat herself. She tends to prepare Resist Cold, Cure Light Wounds, Speak with Animals, Hold Person, Striking, Locate Object, Sticks to Snakes, and Insect Plague.
  3. Tibault, Thief (7), atypically tall for a human, he remains deft and quick. Fights with a longsword and leather.
  4. Georold, a Chaotic Thief (5), fights with daggers and leather, preferring to throw them, if possible. The exteriors of his ears have been removed - leaving only holes to the ear canals.
  5. Carlomon, a Cleric (5) of Chaos, wears plate and carries two maces. Tends to prepare Cure Light Wounds, Darkness, Silence (15' Radius), and Resist Fire.
  6. Millicent, a Fighter (4), fights in plate with a sword and shield. She carries a Potion of Speed and is unable to remove a Helm of Alignment Changing that she wears - it forces her to be Chaotic: which is why she has taken in with Georold and Carlomon.

Rich Revival

  1. Edomskoi, an experienced Dwarf (6), whose last party - well on the way to fame and riches - met with a very poor outcome in the depths of the earth. The lone survivor, Edomskoi is rebuilding a new adventuring company. He wears chainmail armor and owns an axe and shield, but prefers his heavy crossbow: for which he has 12 magic quarrels. Additionally, he is carrying a Potion of Heroism.
  2. Neonila, a less experience Dwarf (4), but of arguably better fortune than her cousin, Edomskoi. She fights in plate with a shield and axe, but also carries a crossbow.
  3. Ageric, a young Chaotic Fighter (3) who has forked his tongue. He fights in plate with a halberd, if given the opportunity, or a two-handed hammer in closer confines.
  4. Elsperth, a female Elf (2), who is seeking to increase her understanding and broaden her horizons in the wider world. Carries a highly decorated blade - but it is not magical nor of any particularly notable better quality. Her spellbook contains Detect Magic and Sleep.

Ruoth's Raiders

  1. Ruothilde, a tall, powerful woman (Fighter 11) who fights in chainmail with a two-handed sword and long bow, was initially motivated to adventure by bad experiences in the fief she is from, but has since, hardened by the death of a beloved, begun to seek establishing a minor kingdom in the lands beyond the border. She is carrying a Potion of Flying.
  2. Froi, a barbarian (Fighter 11) whom Routhilde met in her travels, he wears his hair long, braiding it into his beard and meticulously keeping it in order. Fighting with a magic sword (+1) and shield, Froi also wears chainmail. He is carrying a Rod of Cancellation - though he is unsure of what it does.
  3. Blacwin, a mercenary (Fighter 9) who took up with Ruothilde after his company was routed and disbanded, wears plate and fights with a shield and sword. He carries javelins and is missing two fingers on his left hand.
  4. Tislova, a Dwarf (8) and former spouse to a blacksmith. Wears plate, fights with a two-handed hammer. Carries also a sling.
  5. Theod, Halfling (8), wears leather and a short bow, carries a short sword - just in case. Is also carrying a Potion of Clairvoyance.
  6. In the Vast Forest; Mary Hallock Foote
  7. Unice, a Cleric (7) of Chaos, she is totally blind - her eyes clouded white. She bears a Staff of Healing, which she taps on the ground - mysteriously allowing her to "see," similar to infravision, out to 15 feet outdoors, 30 feet indoors - and wears a blue and white raiment over plate armor. She tends to prepare Protection from Evil, Darkness, Snake Charm, Know Alignment, Cure Disease (twice), Cure Serious Wounds, and Quest.
  8. Evelyn, Thief (7). She carries a blackjack and wears leather, preferring her crossbow, if feasible.
  9. Grissel, a left-handed female Fighter (5) drawn to Ruothilde's force of will and character. Wears plate: carries a shield, mace, sword, and short bow.

The Devourers

  1. Katte, a warrior of Chaos (Fighter 6), who carries with her a Bag of Devouring. Her stated goal is to change the social order, using gold to amass an army to do so, but she is prone to cruelty. Fights in plate with sword and shield. Carries javelins.
  2. Faileuba, a Fighter (5) who fights Southpaw with a magic two-handed sword (+1) that will flame on command. She wears plate and is carrying a shortbow and Potion of Treasure Finding; she doesn't buy into Katte's goals, but is along for the gold.
  3. Ernald, a neutral Cleric (5), fights with his staff and wears plate. Tends to prepare Detect Magic, Light, Hold Person, and Speak with Animals.
  4. Thurstan, Magic User (4), a bit twitchy and is carrying a Scroll of Protection from Elementals. His spellbook contains Sleep, Ventriloquism, Continual Light, and Web.
  5. Berthefled, also a neutral Cleric (3), fights with her two-handed hammer and wears plate. She tends to prepare Remove Fear and Detect Magic.
  6. Roos, Fighter (3), fights with a mace and shield and wears plate. She is plagued by acne - about which she is not self-conscious - and has an affinity for nature. She is wearing a Ring of Protection (+1).
  7. Baldric, secretly a servant of the Law, a pale Magic User (3) seeking to expand his powers. He carries with him a Ring of Control Human, but keeps it secret from his fellows as to its purpose. His spellbook contains Shield, Detect Magic, and Phantasmal Force.
  8. Rolf, Thief (3), fights in leather with a sword and carries a short bow. Wears bright colors and enjoys putting flowers into his cuffs and belts.

The Gallantry

  1. Gillow, or Gallant Gill, is a shaved bald, Lawful Fighter (9) keen on taming the wilderness in proximity to where his party is encountered: establishing for himself a small domain. Wears plate (with tabard embroidered with his personal symbol), fights with a lance - when mounted - or shield and sword on foot. Carries a crossbow.
  2. Portrait of Vasco Nunez de Balboa, Unknown Illustrator
  3. Swethya, bearer of a Blessed Crest (shield, +1), she is a Cleric (8) in service to the Law, following Gillow in his quest to tame that which is wild. She fights with a mace and plate. She tends to prepare Cure Light Wounds (twice), Purify Food and Water, Bless, Find Traps, Resist Fire, Striking (twice), Speak with Plants, Cure Serious Wounds, and Quest.
  4. Fulk, a Halfling (6) in service to the Law, he is carrying a scroll of 5 spells: Lighting Bolt, Continual Light, Detect Magic, Fly, and Cure Serious Wounds. He fights in leather with a sling and a club.
  5. Helyas the Fortunate, Halfling (6), carrying a single scroll - Protection from Elementals - and a magic sword (+1) alongside six throwing daggers. Has a sizeable scar running down his left arm.
  6. Estrilde, a female Thief (6). Carries a plethora of blades. Always overheated; occasionally vocal about it.
  7. Gwyn, understudy to Swethya, female Cleric (5), bears a scroll - Protection from Magic - and likewise carries a Blessed Crest (shield, +1). Wears magical plate (+1) and fights with a mace. She tends to prepare Detect Magic, Light, Find Traps, and Speak with Animals.
  8. Ives, Halfling (3), fights in chainmail with a shield and hammer. Carries a short bow. Has a tattoo on her neck and decolletage.

The Walt-Host

Balboa Taking Possession of the Pacific; unknown artist
  1. Waltgaurd, a Fighter (6) from an adjacent land with a thick accent therefrom seeking fortune in a new land. An excellent horseman, he fights with a two-handed sword and chain armor and carries a Potion of Control Dragon, acquired in his home land.
  2. Ymburt, a fencer (Fighter 5) with a lean physique. Duels wearing clothing only - but in general adventure, wears plate with a shield and Longsword (+1).
  3. Chlodmer, a thick-set Fighter (5), who wears his hair long - often braided in complex patterns. Wears plate with shield, fights with a hand axe, and carries a bow.
  4. Tomis, a Dwarf (5) in the service of Chaos whose left eye is green, but whose right eye is blue. Carries a bow and hand axe, wears plate with a shield.
  5. Searluch, a female Elf (4) and fellow servant of Chaos. His spellbook contains Light, Read Magic, Locate Object, and Continual Light.
  6. Guillemete, a female Cleric (4) with no cosmological alignment to speak who shaves lines into her hair, running front to back along her cranium - braided, typically. Tends to prepare Protection from Evil, Detect Magic, and Silence (15 foot radius).
  7. Euric, a Halfing (4), posing as a simple thief and fighter, but in secret a plant in service of the Law, following Waltgaurd and communicating back to a Lawful order via a Stone of Sending: a white pebble functioning capable of sending short messages to a fixed recipient.
  8. Leof, the youngest member of the group and a Magic User (2) in service to Chaos. He has no sense of smell. His spellbook contains Shield and Sleep.

Vanquelin's Vanquishers

  1. Vanquelin, Thief (5), bearer of a magic sword (+1) he calls Rib Nipper. Had been a part of a thieves' guild in another town - but after some undesireable outcomes, has since sought to expand his horizons into novel territories.
  2. Eppie, Thief (5), a female friend and colleague of Vanquelin; doesn't talk about their past. Wears leather and fights with a short sword and crossbow. Carries a shield on her back.
  3. Gunder, a Cleric (5) with no affinity to either Law nor Chaos, but instead to food. Wears plate, fights with a mace and shield, but prefers not to. Has a round face. He tends to prepare Detect Magic, Resist Cold, Know Alignment, and Bless.
  4. Guillemete, a Cleric (4) of Chaos who wears plate and fights with a shield and hammer. She is missing her right eye and carries with her a Scroll of Protection from Undead. She tends to prepare Purify Food and Water, Detect Magic, and Speak with Animals.
  5. Ailwin, an athletic Fighter (4) with an olive-complexion. Wears plate and fights with a spear and shield, carries a short bow and a sword as a side arm.
  6. Outis, Thief (3), no connection to Eppie or Vanquelin, but is along for the ride, seeing them as successful and seeking similar fortune. Carries a club and sling.
  7. Wassail-Bout; Mary Hallock Foote
    Ranulf, a left-handed Chaotic Magic User (3) who is prone to see conspiracy where none exists. His spellbook contains Detect Magic, Protection from Evil, and Detect Evil.

Veche's Vengeance

  1. Vecheslav, an albino Dwarf (6), leads this band - using contacts he's made over the years to find and exploit lower-risk, better-reward delves. He carries a Ring of Invisibility, wears plate armor, and fights with a hand-axe, shield, and four throwing daggers.
  2. Vabka, a cousin of Vecheslav (Dwarf 4), prone to brevity and plagued by noticeable dandruff. Carries a sling and fights with plate armor and a two-handed axe, having doffed his shield upon acquisition of a Ring of Protection (+1) from a hedge wizard in a game of chance.
  3. Isolde, a female Halfling (4), with a nose-ring.
  4. Euric, Thief (3), who is mute.
  5. Wilmot, Thief (3), a servant of the Law and the only member of the team who can communicate consistently with Euric, but who - like Vabka - is prone to brevity.

Public domain art downloaded from and from on or around 7/30/2020 and adapted for use. Attributions in alt text.

1 comment:

  1. Edited, 8/3, for spelling and to add spell lists for each of the casters. Having a pre-gen party doesn't make the game flow quite as fast if you have to come up with spells for them after they appear!
