Sunday, July 12, 2020

Snapping Turtle Cult

Scale: 10 ft.
Click here for a PDF version of this adventure!

Level 1

1-A: Mouth

This space is open to the entry area to the north. It appears as the beak of a snapping turtle protruding from natural rock wall.

The door at the south wall has no obvious hinge - but has a low-relief of the night sky carved into it. If the players touch the stars, they glow a white-blue for a few seconds. A savvy character will recognize several constellations. To open the door, a character must trace the stars of the constellation Mul-a-Ul: the turtle (modern: Cancer). If a character traces Urgulu, the Lion (modern: Leo), instead, they receive an electrical shock dealing 1d8 damage; a generous DM may allow a save for half.

Due to a mystical association within the firmament, there is a bug in the magic which may help the players:
  • If a character traces Mul-Kun, the Tails (modern: Pisces) or Mul-Giserin, the Scales (modern: Libra), the stars of Mul-a-Ul will flash faintly.
  • If a character traces Guannna, the Bull of Heaven (modern: Taurus, as well as a star or two from the Hyades cluster) or Mul-Pabil, the Overseer (modern: Sagittarius), they will feel a buzzing sensation and their small hairs will stand on end for a few seconds to no ill effect.

1-B: Causeway

The north half of the causeway - as indicated with a dotted line - is open to the second level below. The areas in darker blue are rooftops - they are not well made, but they are also not shoddy - they will not collapse from the weight of someone climbing on them, but heavier climbers may make more noise. They are angled, with vents along the seams for smoke. There is a 5 foot drop from the causeway to the rooftops. On the east side, there is an opening allowing drop-in to 2-I.

The south half of the causeway is an arrow trap. Any character activating one of several touch plates along its length causes a volley of crossbow fire to emit from slits in the walls to Ii and Iii. Save versus Dragon's Breath or take 2d6 damage.

1-C: Upper Level

To the south, a spiral stair leading down. To the east, a railing overlooking an open area to 2-B.

The lighter blue is solid stone floor; 15 foot drop. The darker blue is thick curtains: 5 foot drop to the western extent, angled up and affixed to the wall 10 feet above the ground level of 1-C's platform.

Effigy of Mot
Hit Dice:2+2
Move:90' (30')
Attacks:1 bite,
1d8 damage
Save As:Fighter 2

1-D: Foyer

A statue of a snapping turtle, meticulously crafted, sits on a pedestal. Also on the pedestal are two rubies (75 gp each) and an emerald (120 gp).

If the party takes one or more of the gems, the statue animates and attacks.

1-E: Conference

A large table occupies this space. Maps of the local terrain are pinned to the east wall; maps of the firmament at each of the four seasons are pinned to the west wall. A small brazier enchanted to emit Continual Light (B17) - 200 coins in weight - is set at either head of the table.

1-F: Study

The secret door can be locked from the inside, preventing all entrance - as there is no mechanism from 1-E to interact with the bolt. Inside, a scrying desk with a mirror, a bowl of quicksilver, and a cup of sand. Inside the desk is a spellbook containing 1d4 randomly determined first level MU spells and 1d3 randomly determined second level MU spells, as well as to coin purses with 400 silver pieces each.

1-G: Kitchen

On the east wall, a hearth and cooking gear. On the west and south walls, dry storage. 20 days of rations can be salvaged by enterprising characters. In the center of the room, a 10 foot long, 2 foot deep, 5 foot wide pit runs north to south. There are ashes in the bottom - if a character sifts through them, they find bone - both animal and human.

1-H: West Walkway

Walkway with railing open to level 2.
  • The lightest blue is 15 feet down.
  • The middle blue is 5 feet down at its eastern extent; but attached to the western wall of the chamber above, 10 feet above the floor of 1-H.
  • The dark blue is also 5 feet below the floor of 1-H - rooftop for the under-buildings.

1-Iii & Iii: Trap Maintenance

Two rooms from which the trap in 1-B can be disabled. Both must be set in order for the trap to be wholly disabled. Accessible via a small opening: too small for a character with a shield or in heavy armor to enter; but easy for a Halfling. Inside is the trap mechanism and in each, there is a crate of ammunition - 100 crossbow bolts in Ii; 120 crossbow bolts in Iii.

Level 2

2-A: Stairwell

Spiral stairwell leading up. A stone column to the south that appears to hold the supporting platform.

The secret door is stone, flush with the wall - but there appears to be some fluid puddling on the other side, as it is leaking underneath. If the characters push on all four corners at once, the door will slide, opening to 2-G.

When open, it will automatically close if not propped open, trapping whomever is inside.

2-B: Sanctuary

East and west walls are thick curtains, denoted by dotted lines. Six stone columns hold up the platform containing Level 1. On the south wall is an altar. At the time of the party's arrival, there is a human sacrifice going on: a Chaotic Priest (Cleric 3) is flanked by two Adepts (Cleric 2), who hold a struggling victim. A dozen (12) Acolytes (Cleric 1) are looking on from the main area, chanting. All are wearing robes - armor as cloth only. If the ceremony is allowed to proceed, the Chaotic Priest's head and upper torso transforms into the head and shoulder-area of a snapping turtle, at which point, he will bite the head of the victim, his jaw extending such that it takes off the full head as well as a chunk of chest down to the sternum. At this point, all lights in the dungeon burn deep red for 1d4 rounds: during which time the cultists are silent. At the end of the redness, the Chaotic Priest speaks the language of Chaos briefly before retreating to room D; the acolytes then disperse.

2-C: West Hallway

Barren hallway; behind the curtain. Door on the south wall is locked.

2-D: Meditation Chamber

On the south wall are several inlaid cubbies with idols of chaos in them - as Holy Symbol. On the floor are kneeling pads lined with electrum: it is difficult to remove.

2-E: East Hallway

Shelving on the northern side of the wall; contain cult robes, mostly, and three suits of leather armor, two bows, and three quivers of 20 arrows each. Nearer to the south are three barrels - one water, two whiskey. Additionally, there is a rack with six two-handed hammers. Sconces for torches every 15 feet along the wall.

2-F: Trove

The secret door is stone, flush with the wall. There is a sconce at the corner; if a torch is placed in it, lit, and turned upside down, the door unlocks and can be pushed open: one hand on each of four corners.

Inside are two chests containing 1,000 gold pieces each; a lockbox with poison needle trap containing six gemstones, 150 gp each, and an emerald broach valued at 300 gold pieces on its own, but enchanted such that any Chaotic character wearing it can breathe under water, can see in murk or in dense fog out to 60 feet, and gains a +2 bonus to saves versus poison. However, when worn, the character's skin becomes cool and scaly and their eyes go all-black. A Neutral character who dons the broach gains a +1 bonus to saves versus poison and can see in murk or dense fog out to 20 feet; a Lawful character gains no benefit and must save versus poison or be affected by violent nausea for 1d4 turns.

2-G: Captivity Chamber

Iron bars with no door separate the south end of this room from the north. Inside is a pile of wet straw to the east and a pool of unidentified low-viscosity refuse in the south-west corner. The walls of this enclosure are tiled.

The secret door can be opened from 2-A, but cannot be pulled open from 2-G. As indicated in the 2-A entry, it slides open into 2-G but if not propped or pinned open, will close on its own.

2-H: Inner Sanctum

Sconces line the walls; on the east wall, a statue of a snapping turtle flanked by three goblets (10 gp each) filled with 300 gp, a necklace worth 100 gp, and three small cut gemstones (50 gp each) on the north side and an electrum saucer (20 gp) with burial spices in it (50 gp value), and a signet ring which doubles as a spark-maker: functioning as flint and steel (valued at 20 gp). If any of the treasure is disturbed, the statue animates and attacks.

2-I: Chamber of Violence

A drain in the floor in the center of the room is flanked by four thick columns - affixed to each is a chain and shackle. Instruments of torture are stored on a simple, splintering wooden table in the western part of the room.

The ceiling above the drain is open to the larger cavern. There is evidence of both blood staining and of fire burning on both the floor and the columns, themselves.

2-J: Captive Storage

This room has no sconces or braziers - and otherwise will be in complete darkness. On the walls there are chains with manacles. In the south-east corner, there is a drain in the floor that emits a moderately foul smell.

There is a 50% chance of 1d4 occupants being held hostage.

2-K: Bunkhouse

Bunks crowd this room, the dormitory for the cultists. Among the personal possessions of the cultists can be found 1d12x100 silver pieces, total, as well as a fancy inkpen and well (20 gp), a Janbiya dagger (as dagger - double gold piece value, +1 to hit in melee; -1 to hit if thrown), and two sets of nobleman's fashionable clothing. The door to 2-L is locked with two locks.

2-L: Master's Chamber

A large, luxurious bed is in this room. Chains and manacles on the south wall - 30% chance of a captive having been bound there. A suit of +1 Plate armor hangs on an armor rack, as well as a two-handed hammer. There is an open lockbox - literally open, not just unlocked, containing 1,200 electrum pieces, four emeralds (100 gp each), and a set of expensive and quality cutlery (50 gp value).

The secret door is hidden behind the headboard of the bed.

2-M: Fleeing Chamber

A narrow hall; the secret door to 2-L is obvious from this side; the door to 2-N is locked.

2-N: Emergency Exit

Narrow tunnel, roughly 150 yards long and downward, emerges to the outside world under an overhang. The door to 2-M, from this side, is trapped - a contact poison is on the handle, save or take 2d8 Constitution damage: reduction to 0 or below results in death. Constitution heals from this poison at a rate of 2 points per day of rest.

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