Saturday, October 30, 2021

Actual Play: Return to Warlock Tower!

Happy Halloween, everyone! And this spooky season, I'd like to ask what's spookier than hordes of mischievous undead hanging out with a mysterious warlock?

Last week, I was able to schedule and run a second session of the public playtest of Warlock Tower: my submission (and first place among the losers of! Woot woot!) Prince of Nothing's No Artpunk contest, as orchestrated through his Age of Dusk blog. Edited video - attempting to maximize focus on gameplay and the adventure - is available on the Clerics Wear Ringmail Basic Line YouTube playlist, or available as an embed below.

How did it go? Pretty alright. Two players were unable to make it - and I was unable to find other interested parties in time - so we subbed in two DMPCs to flesh out a bit. They were supposed to be played by the characters, but having a bit of a rough start (still being mediocre at best with the controls to Astral VTT), we opted to get the game moving by just hauling them around in the back. Learning experience? A bit - I think there is a good highlight here, it shows the importance of using the Encumbrance rules if you're running a real campaign. Through creative thinking, fortunate door placement, and a few very lucky reaction rolls behind the curtain, the party is amassing a decent haul: it seems Warlock Tower is not a dungeon to be delved in a single excursion.

But that's a feature, not a bug! 

Delve on, watchers; delve on!


  1. For the algorithm. This looks like a good blog site, I'll be happy to explore this over time.
