Sunday, April 19, 2020

08.02 - The Watchtower Compound: Progress Point

This week has been depressingly unproductive on the creative front - but here is the byproduct of the last few days of map-making on the Indigo River. As I'd mentioned a few posts back, it is my intention to start up my Caan game again this summer; potentially even running the adventures here tagged in playtest mode. That in mind, I intend to focus - power through this adventure, get it to the point where I'm happy with it and where someone could pick it up and run it in their game - and then focus on the campaign. Haven't gotten any labeling done - but here are the maps so far.

The Watchtower

To the west side of the map is a small outbuilding - a tool or utility shed capable of housing long rusted tools. The swamp has encroached on it and into the Watchtower, itself, waterlogging the north-western portion of the inside building.

The center area, shaded blue, is open to the elements - a courtyard of sorts. At night, a hatch becomes visible allowing the characters into a sub-level that comprises the actual dungeon. Graffiti, a design in the earth, or both should be present to hint for the party that they should come when the moon is out.

The east wing, arranged as domiciles, evolved into a medical wing as families completed cabins and farms in the surrounding countryside: the main hospital being on the south-east corner.
Level 0 - Ground Level

On each corner of the second level of the Watchtower are defensible turrets. The dark shaded areas are covered; the dashed edges, railings open to the elements.

Inside, the courtyard is still visible - albeit 10 feet below. The room on the east side that appears to jut into the courtyard is open at that point to the elements, covered otherwise.
Level 1 - Defense and Stow
Level 2 - Turret
Level 3 - Lookout
The turret is largely boring - an enclosed space that was used as a way to get to the lookout level. The lookout level has walls, but is likewise open to the elements - providing visibility in all directions as well as opportunity to aim projectile weapons at potential assailants within range. It being 40, 45 feet in the air, a lookout perched therein would be able to see just over 8.5 miles in any direction.

The Barn

Level 0 - Barn

This building would have been one of the first ones erected upon arrival to the settlement. In the center, a space capable of housing and administering to the agrarian and pastoral needs of the colony.

On the north side of the barn was the old stable; a large gate - not a door, a character could hop over if they so desired - separates this area from the compound grounds.

On the south side of the barn, a garage, perhaps? I haven't worked this one out yet. Maybe this is where smaller live stock, or the dog pen, would be. Again - separated from the grounds by a gate.
Level 1 - Loft

The second level of the barn would be comprised of several tight rooms, converted from the original layout to serve the needs of the remaining occupants following the settling of the community.

To the north, a hay loft - with access to the living area.

To the south, storage. Unconnected to the living area.

The Charter House

Level 0 - Charter
Level 1 - House
The charter house would have been the pride of the community. Erected from brick, it would have been a way to incorporate new families, new arrivals, while the settlement grew. A multi-family, multi-occupant domicile, it might have evolved into an inn, eventually - had the colony flourished.


Other buildings include the well-house - which, at night, connects to the underground complex, but during the day is a standard well - the blacksmith, a woodcutter, and the cook house. Additionally, along a soiled and decaying path leading east towards the coast, a small house - one of few that still stand. Along the road, others like it would have been seen - overgrown, chimneys alone remaining for the most part, others with varying numbers of walls and in various states of derelict collapse.

Game on!

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