Wednesday, April 1, 2020

Mid-Week Map: Creepy Wizard's Basement

Scale: 10 ft.
Click here for a PDF version of this adventure!
Some traps, mechanisms, and elements lovingly plagiarized from anonymous contributors. Public domain artwork respectfully pilfered from the National Gallery of Art on or around April 1, 2020. Attributions in alt text.

A - Old Altar

Crypt of Kirkstall Abbey, Joseph Mallord and William Turner
Room is 30 foot square. 20 feet in from the entry point is a stone altar, cracked on the south side, which appears unused. A pile of stone rubble lies adjacent, as though part of the ceiling had collapsed onto it. Exits are north, through a stuck door, and south, through a double gate. The gate is embedded in a set of iron bars blocking the hallway south; the gate is chained shut, but the chain and lock are both rusty.

B - Crypt Cells

At the end of a 30 foot hallway from A, an iron grate with an unlocked door opens into a wider space that runs 70 feet east to west and is 10 feet wide. On the south wall are three doors - one 10 feet in (locked), one 30 feet in (locked), and one 50 feet in (unlocked); at the end of the space is a double door leading to C. The double door looks damaged, as though it was locked, but forced open at some point. Along the north wall is a barrier of iron bars that runs for 60 feet. There are no doors to the space behind the north grate, which - in the first 10 feet on either end, deepens at a 45 degree angle until, for the middle 40 feet, the space is 10 feet deep. The floor of the main hall is clean; the floor in the grated off section is coated in a viscous grime.

There are skeletons chained to the wall on the far side of the grate. If any of the doors on the south wall are touched, the grime coalesces onto the long-bones of the skeletons and attacks the party, passing through the iron bars as difficult terrain, as the bones are not necessarily connected and will fit through the gaps. 2d6 appear - stat as Zombie, but they resist Cleric turning. In addition to these monsters, three barrels of wine vinegar stand near the west side; a set of armor racks, one housing silvered chain mail (as chain mail, but will ward off the touch of ghosts) are in the middle, and a set of crates can be seen over near the east corner. The crates contain mostly scrap metal, but also a set of silver cutlery worth 120 gp.


This space is 15 feet deep and shaped like a wide coffin. From the door in the north wall, the room is 5 feet wide; it widens to 15 feet wide by 10 feet in and then shrinks back to 5 feet wide on the south wall at the termination of the 15 foot room depth. A stone sarcophagus with the lid carved to resemble a human male dominates this space; alongside a single sconce atop a free-standing brass element in the south-west corner.

The lid of the sarcophagus is heavy, but can be removed. Inside is a desiccated corpse in fine garments. The corpse holds a jeweled scepter (400 gp), wears a golden torque (200 gp), and clutches a book. The book is bound in leather and is filled only with blank pages.


This space is shaped the same as Bi. A bookcase has been toppled over on one side; a wooden pen - 5 by 5 - is propped in the east corner.


This space is shaped the same as Bi. A stone sarcophagus with the lid carved to resemble a hideous corpse dominates this space. In addition to the sarcophagus is a lightweight end table with stains on the surface and two sconces atop two free-standing brass elements.

The sarcophagus lid is heavy, but can be removed. Inside is a deceased adventurer: clothed and equipped normally, but whose body has been turned entirely to salt. If touched roughly, the salt will break apart. On the person of the salt adventurer is a purse with 40 sp and 15 gp,  a signet ring with an emerald in it (150 gp), and a gilded chain necklace (50 gp). The salt adventurer is wearing leather armor, but has no weapons.

C - The Well

This circular room has a radius of 15 feet. A double door exit exists on the west wall. A secret door - faux stone artfully flush with the actual wall - leads into cave tunnels to the north-east. The room is mostly barren, except for a large well in the center of the room. The water is clear, 30 feet deep, 7 feet in diameter, with walls 4 feet tall off the floor. At the bottom appears to be a sword that glows faintly.

The sword is a trap. It is enchanted to give off continual light as a torch and will not rust, though is otherwise a normal sword. If removed from its setting at the bottom of the well, an iron grate slides shut half-way back up the well, closing off exit. If the sword is dropped, the balance of the blade will guide it (mostly: 85% chance) back into the base; the trap will re-set itself after 3 turns (30 minutes) after the sword is returned to the base. A difficult Strength check (or, perhaps Bend Bars) can force the grate open prematurely.

D - Statue

Death: My Iron Surpasses All Others!, Odilon Redon
Main space is 20 feet by 20 feet. To the south is a door to A; to the north-west, a hall heading north - to the north-east, a hall heading east: both of them 10 feet wide. In the center of the room is a statue of Incabulos.

The statue is animated and its eyes follow any magic user or elf it sees. If a magic user or elf comes within striking distance, it will attempt to do so. Stats as Ogre (B40) - except it cannot leave the base to which it is affixed; thus preventing it from striking anyone outside of the 20 by 20 foot area. A thin or nimble character may be able to avoid the statue entirely by simply staying close to the walls.

E - Idol Chamber

West wall runs 5 feet north to south; east wall runs 20 feet north to south. North and south walls extend at an even angle to make the ends meet: the room is 10 feet deep. On the floor is an engraved symbol, 7 feet in diameter, stained by decades of dried blood. In the center of the east wall is a nook - 2 feet wide by 2 feet deep by 4 feet tall - in which is an oversized stone skull: made of basalt, weighing 3,000 coins, with Hessonite garnets for eyes, and with obsidian teeth.
Skull, Hans Wechlin

The skull is enchanted. Its jaw can be maneuvered and if it is fed a freshly harvested vital organ, it begins to speak. If the organ is from an animal, it speaks the language of Chaos and jabbers madly; if the organ is from an intelligent being, it speaks any languages that being knew (or knows) and, up to once per day after which, it will answer questions as per the spell Contact Higher Plane, the plane level being determined by the organ the skull was fed:
  • Kidney - 3rd (4th, if two at a time)
  • Liver - 5th
  • Heart - 6th
  • Lung - 7th (8th, if two at a time)
  • Brain - 9th
If pried out, the eyes are worth 150 gp each; but the statue screams while they are being removed. Upon completion, the jaw goes slack and the teeth fall out, cracking and shattering on the floor. If the eyes are removed, the enchantment is dispelled.

F - Foyer

North and south walls are 20 feet wide, with the north wall open in three narrow halls. East and west walls are 30 feet long. In the center of the west wall is a concave alcove, three feet deep, housing a statue of a gnoll wearing real scale male armor and carrying a spear. Directly opposite on the east wall is a 10 foot section of iron grate leading to G. There is a door in the grate with rods extending into the ceiling and floor to keep it shut. The gnoll's head is moveable - if the head is turned to face the three halls to the north, the rods locking the door will retract. If the head is turned to face the south, a compartment in the south wall will open, spilling 2d3 Giant Crab Spiders (B43) into the room.

G - Auditorium

A hall, 10 feet wide, runs east from the door for 15 feet before opening up to 30 feet wide, north to south, over a 5 foot span. The main room is 20 feet deep beyond that point. An iron brazier, three feet across, sits in the south-east corner, along with a wooden coat rack.

Outside the entry hallway, the ceiling rises to 20 feet; if the characters look, there is an overhanging balcony box (shaded) with no obvious way up. It is bullet shaped, 10 feet square (the casing) and then rounded over another 10 feet (the bullet): in the rounded area, there are three comfortable velvet chairs; in the square area, a round end table with a marble tabletop. On the tabletop is a tea seat of fine porcelain (1,200 gp).

H - Cavern

A natural cavern extends in a north-easterly direction; the walls are irregular and stalagmite/stalactite pairs break up the floor, but it is approximately 10 to 12 feet wide and 40 feet along its south-west to north-west length. Two exits, natural tunnels, lead into the darkness. In the north-east corner, there is a pool of dark liquid. The liquid is inert, but impossible to see through. Under the liquid, there is a short tunnel to I. Anything placed into the liquid comes out cleaner than it was before; clothing is cleaned, swords are shined, a character's skin is fresher and appears more hale, and unprotected inks bleed out of or off of whatever they have been inked onto.

Scene in a Cave, George Cumberland

Halfway through the tunnel to I, a chest can be found by a lucky character tucked into a nook in the east wall. The chest is locked - and when opened, will release an acrid gas that will deal 2d6 choking damage to anyone within 10 feet, save vs dragon's breath to avoid - but inside can be found a scroll of Water Breathing, 120 platinum pieces, the mummified paw of an unidentifiable mammal, and seven gold statues depicting rats: their details outlined in jade (350 gp each).

I - Cave

This oblong natural cave is roughly elliptical in shape - running 20 feet east to west by 10 feet north to south. In the north-west corner, there is a cubic stone projection - the corner of L - with a hole in the floor. The floor of L is roughly 3 feet above the floor of I. In the south-east corner, there is a pool of dark liquid - see H - a tunnel under which leads to H. Halfway through the tunnel, a chest can be found, as detailed in H.

J - Aisle

This 10 foot hallway is 80 feet long and 10 feet wide from the west wall to the opening into K. On the north wall of the hall are four doors - the first (unlocked) at 10 feet, the second (locked) at 20 feet, the third (stuck) at 30 feet, and the fourth (stuck) at 40 feet. The doors are iron grates and can be seen through.

On the south wall, there is a concave alcove - 3 feet deep, chest level, 4 feet high - between the relative position of the second and third door. On it, there is a bust, humanoid features, carved uniformly of basalt. If the party touches it, it has a velvety texture, the eyes and mouth open, and it releases a low-pitch wail lasting 10 seconds. Any sentient creatures in J, K, or D will be alerted and a wandering monster check should be made immediately and one additional time on the following turn.


A five foot wide hall extends 10 feet northward before opening up into a space, 20 feet north to south and 10 feet east to west. Two weapon racks with shields and blunt weapons are propped against the east wall of the larger space, alongside 6 skeletons standing guard. The skeletons will attack anyone who enters the larger space, but will not exit Ji unless the bust in J shouts for them.


Shaped as Ji. Inside the space is a water bowl similar to what you would give a dog, a pile of hay in the north-east corner, and two elves.

The elves do not know how they got there.


Shaped as Ji. Inside the larger space are three man-cages hanging from the ceiling. None are occupied. A blunt pitchfork is lying on the floor.


Shaped as Ji. Contains a single skeletal quadruped, about the size of a man-and-a-half, seemingly stitched together using the bones of different animals. Fights as White Ape (B30), but with undead characteristics: such as immunity to sleep and ability to be turned. The creature will attack anything it sees and will force its way out of the stuck door in 1d4 rounds.

Inside the room is a raised platform on which the creature "sleeps" - as well as a thin shaft leading up. The shaft is about four inches in diameter and seems to be oozing in stale air. Under the raised platform is a crystal on a stand which houses the life essence of the creature. If the creature is killed, the crystal can be removed and is worth 1,000 gp.

K - Loom

Evidence of ceiling cave-in has been pushed to the corners of this 30 foot by 30 foot space. To the north-west, a 10 foot hallway leading to J; in the center of the west wall, a 5 foot hall leading to a tee to M or L; both doors are stuck. Near the south wall, a table has been overturned and a weaving loom appears to have been damaged by falling rocks. Behind a pile of debris on the south wall is a hole in the wall large enough for a man to bend over and walk into - leading to C or H, depending on path. It is obscured from view, but if the players interact with the debris or loom, they are likely to notice it.

L - Brig

This 20 by 20 space has chains on the walls and a pillory large enough for three in the center of the space, the third spot occupied by a humanoid skeleton. The floor is stained and a set of thumbscrews lies in the south-east corner. In the south-west corner, a hole in the floor drops 3 feet into I.

M - Master

Room, 20 by 20 feet, with  one obvious exit in the south-west corner. A secret door - faux stone that will slide down, well-disguised against the actual stone wall - is directly opposite the obvious door: in the north-west corner. Electrum coins are strewn across the floor, taking two rounds to find and pocket them all (450 ep).

A cobweb-covered king-size bed with posts, curtains, and a mirror above has its headboard front and center of the east wall. Each of the four bedposts have emeralds (200 gp) at the head. There are vents in the south wall which allow sound to enter M from L; but the sound from M will not conversely carry back. On the west wall, a bathing pool with a grotesque, a large head flanked by cherubs, for a spigot is slowly drooling clear water. In the base of the bathing pool are embedded crystal shards in a pattern, which can be pried out. There are 12 crystals, 10 silver pieces each.

If the tongue of the grotesque is pulled, the hidden door to N opens.

Fountain: Grotesque, Children and Basin, Alphonse Legros

N - Horde

Walk-in closet, 20 feet east to west and 10 feet north to south, opens up after a 5 foot sharp curve west from the secret entrance. A mannequin on the far wall wears two necklaces(50 gp and 75 gp), a bedecked velvet hat (120 gp), and a silk sash embroidered with golden thread (300 gp). On the south wall is a line of clothing - decaying, but still fancy - some still hung, some crumpled on the floor. The clothing on the floor includes several odd leather suits with oddly placed fasteners.

There is a dresser with mirror propped against the north wall. It has four drawers; one of which has writing supplies and inks (100 gp), one of which has parchment and papers that will crumble to dust and shreds if handled, one of which contains a preserved spider, an unidentified salve (poison: if it enters the system, a victim must save vs poison or lose half of their Strength and Constitution), and some sticks of incense (1d6 x 10 gp). Atop the dresser is a silver chain bracelet (20 gp).

The last drawer is noticeably larger than the other three and is locked and trapped. When the drawer is opened, a rake of claws on a spring, grasping any hands that are on or near the handle to the drawer. The claws are connected to an infernal circuit that funnels life force into a crystal embedded behind the desk. Any living thing scraped by the claws must save vs spells or lose 1d4 x 150 XP and feel exhausted for 24 hours. A character reduced below 0 XP is turned to salt - but can be revived by a high level priest if the party brings the detached crystal along with the salt-corpse. When the drawer is closed, the trap resets. Inside the trapped drawer is a pouch containing multicolored emeralds, 12 of them worth 200 gp each; a locked, but not trapped, case containing 400 platinum pieces, 300 electrum pieces, and 1,200 gold pieces; and a dagger (+1, +3 vs magic users and elves), which speaks lies to the mind of anyone who carries it.

The mirror can be used for scrying, but if removed from N, will melt into mercury and quickly seep into the floor.

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